All papers, abstracts and other information
- Ng, M., and Vickers, S., "Point-free Construction of Real Exponentiation." Logical Methods in Computer Science, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2022. arXiv.
- Ng, M., and Vickers, S., "A Point-free Look at Ostrowski's Theorem and Absolute Values." To appear in Journal of Logic and Analysis. arXiv.
- Ng, M., "Logical Berkovich Geometry: a Point-free Perspective." To appear in Journal of Symbolic Logic. arXiv.
- Merling, M., Ng, M., Semikina, J., Sendon Blanco, A., and Williams, L., "Scissors congruence K-theory for equivariant manifolds." arXiv.
In Preparation
- Ng, M.,. "K_1(Var) is generated by Quasi-Automorphisms." Draft Available on Request.
- Ng, M., "The Archimedean Place is a Blurred Interval." Draft Available on Request